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Announcement - Warmsworth Gala AGM on Tuesday 7 November 2023
7pm to 8 pm 2023 at Warmsworth Community Library.  

Everyone welcome, if you wish to join the Committee or help out on the day.

Warmsworth Gala 2024 - 13th July


Warmsworth Gala 2023

2023 A brilliant day was had by all at the Gala!  

The weather was very different from 2022, with rain, sunshine  and clouds, despite the weather everyone appeared to enjoy the day with all the attractions at the Gala and the entertainment.  The stall holders did an amazing job with their services,  products and games. For a full list of stallholders visit our  Facebook page at Warmsworth Gala. 

The Warmsworth Gala Committee, would like to thank the  Warmsworth Parish Council for their continued support, our  sponsors Sibelco, Orchids Care, Middleton’s Waste  Management and Recycling, without whose help and support  we would not be able to organise a Gala for the village. 

Our ever popular Raffle was a hit and assists with raising funds to put on the Gala each year. Check out who are donors were  on our Facebook page Warmsworth Gala | Facebook and see  which tickets won what.


Setting up the Raffle

Visitors buying for the Gala Raffle

Appreciation and grateful thanks to the Fun Fair (Tuby’s) for the fair rides and food, to our entertainers, Compère and Singer
Helen Evans, Patsy (the children’s Entertainer for a fun Magic Show and Punch and Judy Show), DN4 Dance (who due to the
wet weather could not perform due to health and safety reasons), and Krazy K9 for putting on a wonderful dog show which was woofilicious and enjoyed by the dogs, their humans and visitors to the Gala.

Well done to all who took part in the Dog Show and for those dogs who received rosettes extra praise.


We had a wonderful Gala King Logan Beech and Gala Queen
Zara Jones who did a splendid job of leading the fancy dress competitors around the field.


Fancy Dress Entrants -

Winner of the fancy dress was Abigail Cooper as an Astronaut.
We would like to thank Abigail for her generosity as she shared
her prize winnings with the other two competitors!

Once again grateful thanks to St John’s Ambulance for their support with First Aid. The Football Club for use of their
facilities and as always the Cricket Club was open to serve. 

Looking forward to next year, if anyone is interested in volunteering to organise the Gala or help on the day please
contact us via our facebook page or our new website Warmsworth Gala – Warmsworth Gala 2023
We will be developing a Website called so look out for this!

As Chair, I would like to express my appreciation and thank all the Committee Members who are volunteers for all their
hard work in making the Gala a success and a special thank you to those who volunteered on the day giving the Committee
Members that additional support.

A special mention to Ann who helps out behind the scenes with the raffle prizes.
Finally thank you to residents, relatives and friends of Warmsworth who attended the Gala, for without you the Gala
would not be the success it is or an enjoyable day.

   Warmsworth Parish Council & Warmsworth Community Hub, Stapleton Road, Warmsworth, Doncaster DN4 9LL
Warmsworth Parish Clerk: Andrew Bosmans  
01302 858053   or email:
Community Hub Centre Manager : Rob Brothwell   
07548558868 or email:

Warmsworth Parish Council minutes

November 2022

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