Warmsworth Environmental Group (WEG)
Hi everyone, welcome to the Warmsworth Environmental Group. The WEG members meet at the side of the Warmsworth library every Wednesday at 10am weather permitting. No one is expected to commit to every Wednesday and members come along when they feel they are able to give their time. Litter picks and bags are provided.
If you would like to join us please email or call
christine.warmsworthpc@gmail.com - mobile:-07982404804 or
The Warmsworth Environmental Group was established in 1987 by
parish Councillor Eddie Sheering and resident Jean Wing.
Over the years the group has gone through a lot of changes but fundamentally its aims have stayed the same to keep Warmsworth a clean, green and environmentally good place to live. The group is a selection of retired members and those residents who still have jobs but want to help conserve what our community has come to expect of the village.
Some of our projects are supported by the Warmsworth Parish Council and working side by side we have a good partnership for the benefit of the village. The following is a selection of our achievements over the years:-
Litter picking, hundreds of bags and still counting
Reporting full bins and broken bins
Helping to keep our 3 parks tidy.
Festival Garden shrubs and the new planted sapling tree
The Queen Elizabeth 11 Jubilee Oak tree planted on High Road
Shrub bed at the junction of Edlington Lane and Lords Head Lane.
Garage Garden on Stapleton Road, back entrance to the Quarry Park
2 half moon flower beds on High Road
Woodland Walk onto the KGF Low Road West
Warmsworth boundary signs
Rose bed / oval shrub bed in the Quarry Park
The Pyracantha hedge on the boundary of Tara Lounge
2 x new Benches on the Halt
1 x bench on the walk to the old cemetery
The side of the library was once completely concreted over and with the help of the pay back team in the 1990’s was broken up and became a shrub garden which the library volunteers created into the charming
conifer garden we have today.
We have also had some disappointments over the years losing trees to vandalism and shrubs to those who take and do not give to the community but despite the set backs we continue to do our best for the village a village we are proud to live in!
All the above achievements could not have happened without the dedication of many residents throughout the decades of the WEG and I would like to say a big thank you to all volunteers
past and present for you commitment to the village of Warmsworth.
Chris Pattison - Warmsworth Environmental Group