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The Women's Institute

Warmsworth Women's Institute was established in November 2013.

We encourage women of all ages to come along to our monthly meetings and join in the fun.

Warmsworth WI begin our new year . On the first Thursday of the month we meet at Warmsworth Community Hub at 7 pm.  Subscriptions for this year are £46 . 

We have now moved to our new location and are enjoying the extra room it gives us. Three new members have already joined , with 2 more looking to join in April. Why don’t you come and join us too?


Meetings consist of sometimes a speaker , sometimes an activity and sometimes fun games and quizzes.

Coming up in the next few months we have -

April …Gill Thomas ….the local lady who took part in the Great British Sewing Bee. 

May    It’s Geoff and Cathy Deighton with memories  of The London Palladium.

Also in May we are running a trip to Shibden Hall …..the scene of TV’s Gentleman Jack , followed by a couple of hours at the Piece Hall square in Halifax

June sees Amanda Alevett doing chair yoga …..sounds like fun !

July time ..not sure what yet, but it will be time to chat with your friends and stretch your brain .


We look forward to seeing more new faces and making new friends . 


Janet Swinbourne

   Warmsworth Parish Council & Warmsworth Community Hub, Stapleton Road, Warmsworth, Doncaster DN4 9LL
Warmsworth Parish Clerk: Andrew Bosmans  
01302 858053   or email:
Community Hub Centre Manager : Rob Brothwell   
07548558868 or email:

Warmsworth Parish Council minutes

November 2022

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